Local Events
A great number of interesting and exciting local events take place throughout the year in and around Uplowman.
Updates will be provided on the home page for upcoming activities or read more about them using the links on the right hand side of this page.
Uplowman Fete
Now the Show is held at the Village Hall either in July or more recently in May.
There is a still a dog show and a myriad collection of stalls (food, plants, books, tombola etc) as well as lots of fun games.
It is an event not to miss. Everyone is more than welcome to run a stall, a game or just help set up the gazebos etc. Failing that to come and enjoy yourself; and spend money.
All proceeds go to the church and other local charities/organisations.
If you are interested in finding out more then contact the following:
- Pam Holley 01884 820868
Uplowman Open Flower Show
This is organised by the Uplowmans Women’s Institute and is normally held the third Saturday in July.
So, if you want to enter your best rose, runner beans, or even largest weed then this is something for you. There are competitions for flower arranging, jam making, wine making, cakes, needlework, photography etc. Almost anything you can think of.
It is a great opportunity to see the talents of your neighbours and have a chat and drink. At the end there is an auction of many of the exhibits which goes to fund the next show.
Mid Devon Show
Although not held in the village it is fairly close by and is the largest show in the area.
It is now held about 6 miles away at Knighthaye Court, Bolham, Tiverton EX16 7RQ on the Bampton Road. It is advisable to take a Park n Ride from Hartnoll, near Halberton, as the roads are narrow. It takes place during July. Look for directions nearer the time in the local press.
Although primarily an agricultural show it also has exhibitors for most items plus a food tent.
A great day out regardless of the weather (although if wet come in wellies).
Look out for details nearer the time or check the website at www.middevonshow.co.uk