Village communications


There is  “Parish News” for Sampford Peverell and Uplowman which is produced monthly.  It includes all the local church services and parish council meetings, and lots of adverts which is useful if you want a service or to buy something.

There is a team of editors and the cost is around £7 per year.

They can be contacted to advertise or with news on [email protected]


In addition to this website with information about the Parish, there is also one for the Parish Council on where you can read the minutes of meetings and agendas.

Notice boards

There is a noticeboard next to the Post Office and opposite the Redwoods at Lowman Cross. A further noticeboard is in the Village Hall.

This gives current information on your local councillors, village hall management committee, plus any local notices.

Adverts for local events are usually posted opposite the Redwoods on the fence etc. although social media is also used.

Community Hub

During Covid a village wide email was set up to give a wealth of information. This is now a monthly newsletter (or more frequent) and to be added to the list email [email protected]

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